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Why Bathe In Goat's Milk

It was about 15 years ago that I discovered SOME of the benefits of goats milk. I knew that my daughter (at the time an infant) was developing a rash after using the MOST POPULAR brand of baby wash. It blew me away! "How.." I thought to myself "could this be happening to my baby?" Well after some simple label reading I realized how much JUNK was in it. Such unnecessary crap. That same trusted company I found was putting carcinogenic ingredients...known carcinogenic ingredients in our BABY soap. A lovely aunt introduced us to goat milk soap and solved our daughters baby wash problem.

Years later I heard talk of something called lactic acid used for many different skin problems. Turns out that is one of the components in goat milk. Checks out right? Ya, but that's not all. Goats milk has been used for thousands of years. Cleopatra herself bathed in goats milk and flowers (hence the queens bath). What they didn't know then was that the goat milk actually encouraged collagen production, was filled with vitamins, probiotics and fatty acids. Essentially this is a gold mine for your skin.

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