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Lard & Tallow soap?!?!... But I'm vegetarian!

Have you ever just seen an ingredient that made ya go "wtf is that in there for!?".

Although these are not on the top of that list, some people are concerned about using them in skincare.

You may wonder what place an animal fat has in soap. Especially if you love animals. I too LOVE animals. That is why I use lard and tallow so often in my soap making....I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY, stay with me here:

Soap making is a complicated chemistry. Each fatty acid give the soap a different quality. Palmatic acid is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT fatty acids to make a good bar of soap. There are a few things high in that fatty acid. 2/3 are tallow and lard, the other being PALM OIL. Palm oil is destroying the Amazon rainforest and the habitat of MANY animals. If we continue to consume palm oil at this rate the Bonobos will lose 99.2% of their natural habitat, and western lowland gorillas 74%. Deforestation is one of the largest threats to the future of our planet. The rainforest and the great coral reefs provide 90% of our oxygen and corporate giants are destroying them both out of greed...greed and MARKETING.

On the other hand lard and tallow are considered waste bi-products. Our ancestors would be ashamed knowing we let ANY part of an animal go to WASTE. Especially bi-products that create such fantastic soaps and salves. Lard and tallow are both fantastic moisture barriers. They help our skin retain moisture longer and more effectively. They are both high in vitamins A, D, and omega 3 fatty acids.

I recently got feedback from a woman who had tried my soap for the first time. She said that her skin had NEVER felt so good after only washing. I wandered if she had ever used a lard soap before. It's not what you would expect. Lard creates a nice, hard, long lasting bar with creamy beautiful lather.

There are many old ways, that are now proving to be the best ways. Give thanks and always follow your heart.... Oh yea and don't forget to wash your bum

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